iGAMI is neutral, impartial, unaligned and objective through-out its dispute mediation process, and in any part related to the daily operation of this website. iGAMI has no personal interest or stake and incurs no personal gain or loss from the outcome of an issue. iGAMI is an advocate for good and fair process, not an advocate on behalf of individuals. iGAMI acts in consideration of and with respect for the legitimate interests and concerns of all affected parties.
iGAMI will recommend and campaign for responsible and appropriate systems change when such changes are beneficial to all individuals involved. iGAMI will bring to the attention of appropriate parties any disputes, violations, codes of conduct, unethical behaviors, practices or decisions, which directly affect any individual or program associated with iGAMI.
Investigations, mediations and resulting decisions will be impartial, fair and timely, and taken on an independent, objective and professional assessment of all evidence available at the time of said examinations.
An impartial advisory board shall determine which affiliate programs are admitted as iGAMI members, and which programs qualify for the iGAMI Seal of Approval. In making their determination, the board will take steps to assure that the program is ran by a competent management team capable of enforcing all accepted codes of conduct and working directly with our board to assure that all disputes are professionally addressed.